Atlas of plant and animal histology

Home / Techniques / Protocols / Carnoy's fixative

Techniques. Recipes


Carnoy's fixative solution is widely used in both plant and animal histology. It is an acidic fixative recommended for preserving nucleic acids (nucleus, chromatin, Nissl bodies) and glycogen. It is also useful to fix fibrous proteins. Carnoy's fixative performs a very fast fixation, and it is therefore used to shorten the fixation time. It can be done in about 1 h of fixation, depending on the sample size. In addition, the fixation process is also a dehydration process, since it is an alcoholic solution. Thus, after fixation, samples can be immersed in absolute alcohol and do the embedding afterwards.

Almost all alcoholic fixatives may render tissue retractions and lysis of some cell organelles, such as mitochondria, or erythrocytes, and dissolves lipids. In the Carnoy's fixative, acetic acid and chloroform partially counteract the retractions. The ability to dissolve lipids allows for faster penetration. If the fixation time is too long, it may produce hardening of the samples.


60 ml 100º ethanol

30 ml chloroform

10 ml acetic acid


It is a good practice to use fresh fixative.


100º ethanol


Acetic acid


Test tube

Bottles, containers

Home / Techniques / Protocols / Carnoy's fixative