Atlas of Plant and Animal Histology

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Quizzes. Plant tissues.


Choose true or false. Each right answer scores 1, and each wrong answer scores -1. Not answered questions score 0.

True False

1) The apical cell wall of the epidermal cells contains cutin, which is synthesized by the epidermal cells. Cutin minimizes water lost.

2) The opening of stomata is controlled by the turgency of guard cells.

3) The root epidermis is composed of cells that usually lack cutin, but contain suberin in those regions of the root where absorption of water takes place.

4) During the plant primary growth, the cork cambium produces cork outward.

5) The rhytidome consists in dead cells that are found more externally than the cork.

6) Lenticels are only present during the secondary growth of plants, replacing the stomata as gas exchange structures.

7) The guard cells of stomata show non-uniform thickenings in their cell walls.

8) Trichomes are derived from parenchima cells found just below the epidermis.

9) The epidermis is differentiated from the protodermis meristem, and the periderm from the cork cambium.

10) The pore formed by the guard cells od the stoma is known as ostiole.

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F-1) The lines indicate a pluristratified epidermis.

F-2) Arrows point to the guard cells of stomata.

F-3) The arrow points to the stomatal complex.

F-4) Points on the left enclose a unicellular trichome and the points on the right enclose a pluricellular trichome. The arrow points to the epidermis.

F-5) The lines indicate the tissues that form the periderm.

Home / Quizzes / Plant tissues: protection